Review Blasts: February 2020

There’s a lot of fear out in the world right now, with Covid-19 (aka Coronovirus) causing all sorts of problems, to put it lightly. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get much worse. To try and help us all get through such troublesome times, here’s six records which range from the heavy to the, well, ridiculously heavy. Crowhurst and Bandit destroy speakers with Bulldozer; Dead Man’s Chest bring the beatdown on Dear God; the self-titled record from 黒い樹海 (KUROI JUKAI) is, simply, brain-melting; God of Dead Roots by Sicarius offers up some vicious black metal; Video Nasties offer some sort of relatively respite with Dominion but it’s still heavy as fuck; and finally, Viscera‘s Obsidian combines deathcore with tech-death with punishing results. Enjoy, and try not to worry!

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